Friday, February 6, 2009

The Frustrations of a 12 month old...

So here we are.  We made it to 12 months without any major hiccups.  Sure we had our rough patches, but we made it.  It has been fun watching Jaycee learn how to walk and become pretty good at it so quickly.  It was like literally watching her gain independence right in front of our eyes.  It is exactly that independence that leads to my post.
Jaycee is able to go everywhere (mostly) that she wants in the house; however, that doesn't mean she can have anything she wants; for example, my laptop, cell phone, iPod, and a few other things that are not for babies.  Other than that short list, its all fair game, including television remotes and cordless phones.  Well I have learned that she only wants those "forbidden" things.  She has in excess of 35 toys ranging in all sizes, noises and functions; but she still thinks that a rectangular piece of plastic (iPod) is the most interesting thing in the room.  The funny thing is that I don't even keep it where she can see it, but she watches when I pick it up and put it down so she has a pretty good idea where it is.  So starts the frustration.  I must say, her tantrums are becoming very loud and violent when she doesn't get what she wants.  Usually I tell her sorry and let her cry it out, but she found a way to get me involved.  When she is crying she'll sit on her bottom, then throw herself backwards.  She only does it when I am close enough to catch her ironically and she then proceeds to yell at me as if I pushed her back with my invisible hand!  Luckily, the episode is over in a few minutes and its back to business as usual.
The funny thing is that it used to bother me, but now it is just part of our day.  And for those of you who would like to see this in action; alas, Jaycee saves this performance for her mommy and daddy exclusively.  Put it on video you say?  I think you'd have better luck getting Bigfoot on tape, because when Jaycee see a camera she is pretty sure its the coolest thing in the room and she needs it.  Then it starts all over again... 

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