Saturday, December 10, 2011

Working 8 to 5...

So I landed a new job. I'm working with the same company I did before, but now I am in an office at a desk with a phone and a computer. That may make it sound boring, but I actually enjoy the work. Without boring anyone with the details of my work, in short, this job offers me a great opportunity to learn and grow and is much more suited to my education.
I was chatting with Jaycee the other day and we were talking about my work. She knew what I used to do and I was trying to tell her I do a different kind of work. In summary, Jaycee thought that my job was to kick naughty kids out of the park and to clean toilets. When we finished our conversation I thought she had a pretty good grasp on what I do and I figured it would help that I no longer wear jeans and t shirts covered in paint and holes.
The other day I picked Jaycee up from preschool after work and we had to stop at the store on our way home. While we were waiting in line she asked me "Did you kick any kids out of the park today?" I tried to explain I don't do that anymore, but she insisted that if I wasn't doing it then there were naughty kids "all over the place". Then, as I come up to the register she asks "Did anyone poop on the floor at your work?" As if she were a part of the conversation, the checker slowed down and looked at me like she wanted to hear the answer to this question.
I let it hang in the air for a second trying to figure out the best way to answer this and decided on the truth: "No Jaycee, nobody pooped on the floor at my work today." I have to say, the checker seemed a little disappointed with my answer.
I just kind of laughed it off on the way to the car and didn't think too much about it. Later that night I was getting ready for bed and I thought about the conversation. It was only 2 1/2 years ago that I got a job scrubbing toilets to help ease the financial stresses of raising a family while going to school. Now, I have a degree and a pretty good job. My goals are not yet fulfilled and I have several more trying times ahead I'm sure, but more than anything I think about the many people out there looking for work and worrying about how to make ends meet. I am so fortunate for the opportunities that have been presented to me and plan on capitalizing on every single one that comes my way. It also helps when your 3 year old is always so eager to remind you where you come from. Thanks Jaycee, I needed that...