Friday, May 28, 2010

Not mud dada...

Disclaimer: the following really happened and it is really gross. Consider yourself warned.
For those of you who know me, feel free to skip down a paragraph or two. For everyone else, I have some faults that I willingly admit that I really haven't tried to fix. Today, two of those faults collided in spectacularly disgusting fashion. I am a chronic procrastinator and I hate doing laundry.
I have a research paper due that I should have been working on for weeks, but instead I am doing in in the closing days of the due date. Unfortunately, for Jaycee, that means she is on her own playing. She has been a good girl all day and has been playing nicely and, for the most part, quietly.
I took a moment to check on her and see what she was up to and found her in her room. She was in her bed laying down and reading a book. Happy with the situation, I left her there to enjoy her Elmo book.
About 10 minutes later, I was typing away when I heard her walk up behind me. I turned to see what she wanted and she asked "Dada, what's that?" as she held up her hand. I looked at it and saw poop all over her hand. Realizing I was going to have to do something about it, Jaycee quickly retracted her question and told me "its mud Dada".
She could tell I wasn't convinced and I told her to go to her room so we could figure out what happened then clean her up. When we got there, I looked all over for a diaper she may have found or removed from the bin but I found nothing. Then the stink hit me. I lifted up the back of her shirt and saw "mud" coming from her diaper going all the way up to the middle of her back (no exaggeration). I momentarily contemplated taking her outside to the hose. Then I looked at her bed. It looked like some sort of war had taken place. The picture is the load of laundry generated by this disaster. (If you look closely, which I don't recommend, you can see that her little stuffed doggy got the worst of it.) While Jaycee was in the bath, she wanted to make sure she cleared up the situation and she told me "Dada, not mud".
What did we learn today? When I have something really important to do, something will go wrong. I also learned that if Jaycee is talking about mud and she isn't outside, I should probably get the hose ready...

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