Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Childhood Scars...

I guess when I think about it, childhood injuries are inevitable.  From the first day of exploration to riding bikes, bumps and bruises are bound to happen.  I suppose one of our jobs as parents is to try to minimize the injuries sustained (i.e. knee pads, outlet covers, padded walls).  As I look at some of the trouble I found myself in when I was a kid, a lot of my scars came with an important lesson or two about what NOT to do.  Like the one under my chin that came as the result of swinging on a bench I shouldn't have been swinging on.  So I guess to some extent, I was prepared to deal with Jaycee's bloody lips, bruised knees and other injuries.  What I wasn't prepared for was those injuries that she would be inflicting on me!  
Jaycee is sleeping with us still, so when she wakes up, so do I.  I usually let her wake up slowly and eventually she stands up to make her official "I'm awake" announcement.  This can be some random screaming or even some face poking.  So today's wake up call was in the form of a tiny finger being violently jammed up my nose.  Naturally, a bloody nose followed.  So far (not including needle pokes) Jaycee has only had two bloody anythings.  Me from Jaycee: more than ten.  From the biting to the head butting.  The poking and pulling.  Her weapons are becoming stronger and more complex.  So I guess I'm saying that childhood scars should also include parenthood scars.  Better me than her, right?... 

1 comment:

Jaycee and Jayden's Mama and Dada said...

This makes me laugh every time. Oh, the joy of my baby :) And I bet she laughed, too!